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Dependants’ Visas

Dependants of Work Pass Holders (Employment Pass, ONE Pass, Tech.Pass, S Pass)

An Employment Pass (EP) holder or an S Pass holder who earns a fixed monthly salary of at least S$ 6,000 can apply for a Dependant’s Pass (DP) for his/her legally married spouse and his/her biological or legally adopted child(ren) (who are under 21 years of age and unmarried).

A Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holder must earn a fixed salary of at least S$ 144,000 per calendar year to enjoy dependant privileges whilst ONE Pass and Tech.Pass holders must earn a fixed annual salary of at least S$360,000 and S$240,000 respectively to have Dependant privileges.

An EntrePass holder is eligible to apply for a Dependant’s Pass if he/she meets the requirements for total annual business spending and local employment.

Application Procedure and Timeframe for Approval

The Dependant’s Pass application with all the required documents can be submitted together with the Work Pass application or later, after the Work Pass application is approved. For dependants of EP/S Pass holders, the Dependant’s Pass application must be sponsored by the employer of the EP/S Pass holder.

Approval is within 3 weeks, whereafter an In-Principal-Approval letter will be generated with a validity period of 6 months for most Work Pass dependants and 60 days validity for S Pass dependants – allowing the dependants some time to follow the main pass holder to Singapore before issuing their Dependant’s Passes (i.e. in the case of children finishing off their school semester).

Can PB Corporate Services help me to apply for my family’s Dependant’s passes?

Processing a Dependant’s Pass Application requires a copy marriage certificate for your spouse. For your dependent children under the age of 21 –we will require a birth certificate or a copy of the adoption order.

Can a Dependant’s Pass or LTVP holder work in Singapore?

A spouse of a ONE Pass holder can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore if they have found employment with a local employer. (Their new employer would be the one to submit the relevant pass application).

Eligible holders of an LTVP/LTVP+ visa (issued by the ICA) who are married to a Singapore or Singapore Permanent Resident are also able to work on a Letter of Consent.

A spouse or unmarried child of a Singapore citizen or permanent resident who are issued an LTVP/LTVP+ with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) are eligible to work in Singapore on a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) after notifying MOM of start of employment.

Can a Work Pass holder’s Dependent own and work for a Singapore-based business?

Dependant’s of Work Pass holders who own more than 30% share in a Singapore-based business can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work for their own business. This is usually granted for a period of one year at first issue and is renewable for a period of one year (or more depending on the MOM assessing officer’s discretion), if they can employ a local Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent resident with their CPF contributions paid for at least 3 months before an LOC renewal application is submitted.

For more information, please visit Dependant Pass at the MOM website or contact our dedicated team of specialists for assistance with the Singapore Pass application for your Dependants. We can also assist with setting up businesses for dependants living in Singapore.

Aspri HR Services LLP

All work pass/visa services will be provided by immigration specialists from our EA Licenced entity,
Aspri HR Services LLP [EA Licence No.: 15C7792]

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