Free Company Name Availability Check
The first step to incorporating your own Singapore Company is to check whether the name you want is available. The Registrar of Companies (ACRA) will refuse your proposed company name if it is identical or similiar to any registered company or business. Also, should your name include certain words such as "bank", "insurance" or "financial services" you will require special permission or licensing.
There is no charge for this service and you are under no obligation to use our services once we confirm your name availability.
No record was found! Your company name might be available. Fill up the form below to start incorporating your company. Oh snap! Your company name might not be available. You can do another check or fill up the form below to let us help you work out a variation of your desired company name.  
First {{ total }} record(s) found.
Loading data...![]() Note: Contains information from Registered Entities with Unique Entity Number accessed on {{access_date}} from data.gov.sg which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data Licence version 1.0 Free SSIC Code Search Tool
Use our Free SSIC Code Search Tool to find the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) code corresponding to your business activity. The code is based on the latest SSIC Version issued by the Department of Statistics.
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